اسلامی ریاست پاکستان میں غیر مسلم اقلّیتوں کے تحفظِ حقوق کو در پیش تحدّیات کا عمومی جائزہ A GENERAL REVIEW ON CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES ON PRESERVING RIGHTS OF THE NON-MUSLIM MINORITIES IN THE ISLAMIC STATE OF PAKISTAN Section Articles


Muhammad Mahmood Ul Hassan Shah,Dr. Abdulghaffar



Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the protector of the minority rights through its constitution based on state religion of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace harmony and the greatest preserver of the non-Muslim minorities in an elegant way throughout history. It gives all humankind the right to live, justice and choose freely their own religion. It provides social, economic, political and property protection and an atmosphere to live freely according to their own faith, culture and civilization. It does not compel anyone to convert to its domain rather it delivers merely a message of peace, love and success in there and hereafter. Ergo, all the people of this nation-state enjoy the equal rights and liberties. A number of entities have been built to enforce the right of minorities successfully within the framework of Pakistani constitution. Meanwhile the concept of nation-state is being merged into a radical notion of intense globalization. This globalised world has been connected through its modern information technologies and the boundaries of nation-states have almost lost its control and effectiveness. The multiple agents’ influence of the foreign incitements have larger impacts on a layperson of a particular Islamic state like Pakistan and that individual subject could be a challenge to preserve the minority rights in any Islamic state.

This article deals with significant and peaceful behavioural legacy of Sharia oriented Islamic states towards their non-Muslim minorities within their territories, and on the other hand, it depicts the importance of how the actions of the globalised external forces and states to galvanize, stigmatize and incite the particular subjects in Pakistan and how can we tackle this crucial issue adequately.
