
Dr. Sonia Rafique,Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Tatlah,Rashda Majid


This study compared the students’ achievement on the basis of face to face and online learning. The Positivist paradigm, Quantitative approach and survey method was used for the data collection. This was a causal comparative study as the researcher couldn’t manipulate the variables. Rather the researcher just explored the already available data. The Cluster sampling technique has been utilized by the researcher for the selection of the sample comprising 160 males and females students. The instrument for the data collection was the students’ achievement tests that have been used to determine the students’ terminal achievement level. These were their university’s terminal exam papers as well as their oral presentations and written assignments. The students’ scores in their oral presentations, written assignments and the final exams of one face-to-face and one online semester were taken. The collected data was analyzed while using the Descriptive Statistics including Mean, Standard Deviation and Paired sample t-test to examine the difference of students’ achievement on the basis of online and face-to-face learning. Based on the findings, it is revealed and concluded that the students’ achievement in face-to-face instructions/learning regarding “presentations”, “final exam score” and “over all achievement” was higher than their achievement in online instructions/ learning. However, there was no statistical difference was found regarding students’ achievement in “assignment”. On the basis of the results, it is recommended that the Higher Education Institutes should arrange the alternate days attendance but with face-to-face learning approach so that the students’ performance may not be affected.



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