مضامین پطرس کا موضوعاتی اور اسلوبی تنوع


ڈاکٹر عبدالواجد تبسم,ڈاکٹر شائستہ حمید خان,ڈاکٹر عائشہ سلیم


Patras Bokhari is a Renown humorous essayist of Urdu literature. He wrote different genres of Urdu literature but became famous due to his humorous writings. He started writing during his student days at Govt Collage Lahore. His essays first published in "Ravi”, the esteemed journal of Govt Collage and later published in 1930 as “Mazameen e Patras” from “Dar ul Ishaat Lahore”. The popularity he gained after the publications stands the test of time. The readers still enjoy reading him. This article is the critical study of theme and style of his essays.                                             
