The study examined the impact of ownership structure on firm’s debt maturity. In this study data is collected from 93 Non-financial firms that are listed in PSX Pakistan Stock Exchange. The data is collected for the period of 2015 to 2020. Non-financial firms included only Textile sector of Pakistan. The principal source of this data is the website State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) published as Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) of listed non-financial firms. Study used panel data analysis to find out the relationship between debt maturity and ownership structure. Various models are employed for data analysis, including ordinary least square (OLS), fixed effect (FE), and random effect (RE). Covid-19 used as a dummy variable in the research. The data showed that insider ownership had a positive and significant effect on debt maturity, while ownership concentration had a negative and significant effect. This study will help managers make choices about when to pay off debt and how to organize ownership.

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