The present study explores the use of cohesion in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" through the lens of corpus linguistics. This approach utilizes quantitative data to offer objective and transparent understandings into a specific aspect of the text. By using Halliday and Hassan's model of cohesion (1976), the study specifically focuses on grammatical cohesion, examining how conjunctions function to connect words, sentences, and phrases, ultimately contributing to the coherence of the narrative. The AntConc3.4.4 corpus tool plays a central role in the analysis, facilitating the investigation of the frequency and distribution of conjunctions within the text. The research method involves the conversion of the novel into plain text for analysis, enabling a comprehensive examination of conjunction usage. The findings highlight the prominence of certain conjunctions like 'and,' 'for,' 'but,' 'or,' 'so,' 'yet,' and 'nor' within the text. By examining the frequency and significance of these coordinating conjunctions, this research aims to shed light on their role in shaping the narrative's coherence and overall meaning in Golding's celebrated novel.

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