کلاسیکی غزل میں فوبیا کے عناصر PHOBIAS IN CLASSICAL URDU GHAZAL Section Urdu Literature
Phobia is a psychological term. Phobia means “Fear” an extreme and irrational fear. It is a type of disorder that is affecting human life badly. There are hundred types of Phobia, Zeus phobia, Catoptric phobia, social phobia, Algo phobia, Penia phobia, Hydro phobia, Hemo phobia, venustra phobia and claustrophobia are some common phobias. Psychology and literature are two branches of knowledge that are interlinked and interrelated to each other. These phobias are often described in Urdu literature, especially in Classical Urdu Ghazal. There are many social, political, economic, reasons behind this. In this article Phobias in classical Urdu ghazal are presented.

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