خواتین شعرا کا عمرانیاتی شعورتخصیصی مطالعہ :کشور ناہید، فہمیدہ ریاض، پروین شاکر
Society is comprised on individuals and women is an integral part of this society. On one side they are the central point of all the literature being women and on the other side they are getting their stature as poetess and writer.A specific study with sociological reference is being done in this article with the reference of three Urdu poetess. The early poetry of Kishwar Naheed, Fahmida Riaz and Perveen Shakir expresses the love stories but with the passage of time the social problems become the topic of their poetry specially the suppressed era of martial law , the censorship on poets and writers, social injustice and women assault.
There is a lot of criticism on their bold and open style. Fahmida Riaz specially had to live in exile. But their loyalty with Urdu Literature is quite firm. In this article the poems of the above mentioned poetesses are viewed. These poems represent their era.In the poetry of Fahmida Riaz we observe the blackness of martial law, in which there was a lot of stress. Her political vision force her to observe society from a particular angle. Her personal life also personified the same.Kishwar Naheed 's poetry throws light not only on social stress but also on feminism. She evaluate the society with a specific female point of view and expresses her views boldly.
The canvas of Parveen Shakir's poetry is very vast. She not only discusses the politics in society but also throws light on the disgrace of writers and yellow journalism. She has also hard feelings on the behavioural changes in the society. There is a variety of issues and topics in her poetry. The UDC Diary, Ketchup, International Issues, Love of Indus, Tactics of bureaucracy, Ruined cities, Friendship, Hatred and Problems of Governance are the poems which cover all the aspect of society. Depiction of burning issues with boldness is a salient feature of all the three above mentioned poetesses. Their poetry become universal as the whole world specially the third world is facing such problems.
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