Exploring the Interplay of Teacher Attitudes, Classroom Behavior, and Student Motivation: A Comprehensive Study in University of Okara


Saeed Ahmad,Rashida Badar ,Zaheer uldin Baber


This comprehensive study conducted at the University of Okara investigates the intricate interplay of teacher attitudes, classroom behavior, and student motivation. The study encompasses a sample size of (N= 338) participants within the university setting. Utilizing a correlation matrix, the research reveals significant positive associations between teacher and student attitudes, emphasizing the importance of a positive instructional environment. Furthermore, effective classroom behavior demonstrates positive correlations with both teacher and student attitudes, underscoring its role in shaping the overall learning experience. The findings of the study showed that student’s attitudes are positively correlated with teacher’s attitude. Effective classroom behavior is positively correlated with teacher’s attitude this table also showed that effective classroom behavior is positively correlated with student’s attitude motivational attitude negatively correlated with student’s attitude and, motivational attitude is positively correlated with effective class room behavior Facilities to students in university negatively correlated with motivational attitude.
