اختر شیرانی اور جان کیٹس کے مشترک رومانوی زاویے: اوڈز The Similar Romantic Characteristics of Akhtar Shirani and John Keats: Odes Section Urdu Literature
It's quite interesting to do a comparative study of two Romantic poets from two different languages and literatures and draw similarities and dissimilarities between their thought patterns, literary beliefs/schools of thoughts, romantic characteristics, concerns and themes etc... John Keats is the most Romantic English poet ever; likewise, Akhtar Shirani is the most Romantic poet, Urdu has ever produced. Romantic movement in English literature reached its climax in the early nineteenth century; a century before it set forth in Urdu. Still the two Romantic poets have striking similarities in the romantic characteristics of their poetry, like fervent imagination, quest for beauty, escapism, sensuousness, medievalism, nostalgia, supernaturalism etc. Whilst Fanny Brawn's infidelity played havoc with Keats's health and crash landed him on earth from his imaginary heavens; Akhtar too could not have his life-long sweetheart Salma by his side, thereby splitting the romantic ideals of both Romantic poets to pieces. Whilst Keats's romantic idealism embraced realism in the end thus giving birth to his immortal odes; Akhtar Shirani can no longer be branded as an all-time drunkard for he reached the culmination of his Realism in his scattered thoughts in his later poetry. Both Romantic poets died young, thus depicting striking similarities in the life and works of both poets. This aims at a comparative study of Keats Odes and Akhtar’s Realism.

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