اصلاح معاشرہ اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی اور رواداری کے فروغ کےلیے مسجدکا کردار، عہد نبویﷺ سے رہنمائیاور لائحہ عمل The Role of the Mosque in Reforming the Society and interfaith Harmony Guidance and action plan from the era of the Prophet Hazrart Muhammad SAW Section Urdu Literature


Dr. Abdul Ghaffar,Saima Anwar ,Salma Saddique


In the religion of Islam, the mosque has had a central place in terms of worship, education and training, culture and civilization, but the mosque was the center and source of all the activities of the Muslims. The teaching of Islam began in the mosque. When the Prophet of Islam Muhammad, peace be upon him, migrated, he founded a mosque outside Madinah, which is the first mosque, and then built the second 'Masjid al-Bawi' in Madinah. Religious and worldly teachings were started in it. From this Prophet's Mosque, the feelings of knowledge and mysticism, culture and civilization, unity, unity, collectivity, equality and brotherhood grew and the society became enlightened day by day. Then an immortal Islamic civilization came into being, whose traces will remain for the rest of the world. Social, moral, political and administrative corruption has become common in Muslim societies in the present era. It started when the Muslim's relationship with the mosque became weak. Today, if we wish to reform the society and make it a cradle of peace and harmony, then we have to activate this fundamental role of the mosque. The role of the mosque in social reform will be examined below. And how is a central foundation for the training and development program. And how it was made active in the Prophet's era.



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