فضائل ِاخلاق ، تصوف کے تناظر میں
Islam gave importance to ethics because these are important element of society. Ethics are backbone of society because it depends on the observance of supreme values. The requirements are to bring the human being away from all these vices and bring them to the virtues.So that the man can regain its lost position. Islam keeps us away from the wrong path. Allah Almighty sent Prophets for the reformation of man.All Prophets works for moral and spiritual training of their nations in their eras.The method of living in the societies, keeping in mind the principles of ethics. It is taught by innumberable Sufies in the on ways.If the modern man can find the teachings of Sufies in the true sense, he will be able to find the soluion to the temporary moral problems and attain the status of humanity.
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