The Pragmatics of Politeness in Cross-Cultural Communication: A Comparative Study of English and Pakistani Interactional Norms


Dr. Ausima Sultan,Samia Anwar,Dr Syeda Aysha, Sohai Ahmad,Dr. Muhammad Khalid Mehmood Sajidl


The nuances of politeness in cross-cultural communication contexts—between English and Pakistani interactional standards, specifically are explored in this comparative study. Using a qualitative methodology, the study breaks down the pragmatic components of politeness through the use of ethnographic techniques such as semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Through intensive participation in real-life interactions in both cultural contexts, the research examines the complex relationship between politeness and non-verbal indicators. Semi-structured interviews with individuals from both cultures shed more light on the many viewpoints, meanings, and applications of civility in conversation. Through a thorough analysis of these qualitative data sources, the study reveals the contextual factors and underlying cultural subtleties that influence politeness techniques in cross-cultural communication situations. The findings provide significant insights into the dynamics of cross-cultural communication in addition to highlighting the differences and similarities between English and Pakistani interactional norms. In the end, this research aims to improve our comprehension of civility across cultural divides, cultivating intercultural sensitivity and enabling efficient communication techniques in a world growing more interconnected by the day.
