Echoes of the Unconscious: Archetypal Exploration in Manto's 'Toba Tek Singh’


Haniya Munir,Sadia Liaqat,Anbreen Akhtar Khan


This research paper delves into the complex narrative of Sadat Hassan Manto's renowned short story "Toba Tek Singh," using Carl Jung's archetype theory (2014) as a lens for analysis. This paper  uncovers  the archetypal patterns that undergoes Manto's exploration of the human psyche and society's collective unconscious by examining the story's characters, symbols, and themes. The researchers hope to shed light on the universal themes and psychological depths that resonate within the narrative through this analysis, highlighting how Manto's work (1970) transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to the human experience at its core (Parni,2015). Carl Gustav Jung, a pioneering Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, had a significant impact on psychology with his archetype theory. Using his extensive knowledge of mythology, religion, as well as cultural symbolism According to Jung (2014) the human mind contains a shared reservoir of universal images, symbols, and themes known as archetypes.  Human experiences, behaviors, and perceptions are shaped by archetypal bonds that are deeply ingrained in the collective unconscious. "Toba Tek Singh," a moving short story set against the backdrop of India's 1947 partition, reflects the complexities of the human psyche and the breakdown of societal norms (Arore,2020). Carl Jung's archetype theory provides a useful framework for understanding Manto's work's underlying psychological and symbolic dimensions. This article explains the complexities of Jung's archetype theory , its constituents and the profound implications for understanding the human psyche. The purpose of this study is to investigate the archetypal patterns found in  Manto's short story "Toba Tek Singh." A qualitative research approach will be used to achieve this goal. The use of qualitative analysis allows for a more in-depth examination of the narrative elements and their symbolic meanings in the text, facilitating the identification and interpretation of archetypal patterns. A close interpretive examination of the story's characters, settings, symbols, and themes become the part of the data analysis process.
