The Effects of Bilingualism on Children’s Verbal Pronunciation Development Moderate by Critical Age


Tooba Hassan,Rabia Sohail,Sumera Shan Ahmad


    The present study is aimed to find out how children develop their ability to learn language (L1 and L2) before the critical age and to find if this critical age is important for learning two languages, and effects of bilingualism on children’s verbal development. In this study qualitative method is used, by observing children through recording instrument. For data collection, 14 children were selected from different institutions, before the age of 12. For data analysis the classification of age, class and the pronunciation errors were recorded. Children were asked to read a poemDo not go gentle into that good night” by Dylan Thomas. Children’s language interference was recorded. They learn two languages at the same time. Through this bilingualism and it’s disadvantage was observed in terms of L1 interference.
