اقبال کے اِملائی اُسلوب کا تنقیدی مطالعہ A Critical Study of Iqbal's Writing Style Section Urdu Literature


طالب حُسین ہاشمی,ڈاکٹر سید شیراز علی زیدی


It is an important for every language that its rules of spelling (Imla) are disciplined and those rules are based on correct principles. Imla is actually the use of correct letters in words. The method that is used to write these letters is called ``script''. This is also abbreviated as drawing the exact picture of the words, so their forms will keep changing. Therefore, in Urdu spelling, the order of letters included in a word, form and their pairs are of fundamental importance. When the use of any language increases and different people write it, the word is written at will due to ignorance of the clear rules of the language or their non-existence. When different people start writing a word according to their own will, the spelling becomes prone to differences and mistakes.
