دورِ جدید کی آزاد تجارت کا ناقدانہ جائزہ: آزاد معیشت کے پسِ پردہ استحصالی روش کا محاکمہ A Critical Review of Modern Free Trade: An Indictment of the Exploitative Mechanism Behind the Free Economy Section Islamic Studies


ڈاکٹر محمد افضل,محمد عبداللہ


While modern free trade has made the whole world a global village, it has also created various economic, social and moral problems. Free trade culture is crushing the rights of workers, indigenous peoples and small entrepreneurs to fill the coffers of multinationals. The colonial powers used trade as 'State Diplomacy' to launch military campaigns against underdeveloped countries. Artificial demand for goods is created through advertising in electronic, print and social media. Due to the expansion of markets and the maximization of goods, illegal means are adopted to increase the number of consumers. In order to sell their weapons, developed countries wage wars among third world countries. Multinational corporations destroy market freedom by artificially manipulating the natural forces of supply and demand. Dangerous shocks are given to the economy of developing countries through dumping and subsidies. Similarly, the transfer of technology is completely blocked by patent and trademark restrictions. In this commercial culture, environmental protection is usually not adequately organized. By establishing their own monopolies on the market, the people are robbed. Because of this imbalanced free trade, most of the poor countries have turned into consumer societies instead of producers.
