امام دبوسیؒ کی کتاب” تأسیس النظر“ میں اُصول اور ان پر متفرع مسائل کا تعارفی جائزہ Introductory Review of Principles and Related Issues in Imam Dabusi's book "Taasis al-Nazar" Section Islamic Studies


سید کریم,عدنان


Imam Dabusi's book, "Ta'sis al-Nazar", is a treatise within Islamic legal studies that focuses on the differing principles of jurisprudence between the founders of the Hanafi School of Islamic law, Imam Abu Hanifa and his two major disciples, Abu Yusuf and Muhammad Al-Shaybani, alongside Imam Malik, founder of the Maliki School, and Ibn Abi Layla. While there is limited information available online about the book itself, here's what I could gather: This book is written by Imam Ubayd Allah ibn Umar ibn Isa al-Dabusi al-Hanafi (also referred to as Imam ad-Dabusi 'Ubaydullah Ibn 'Umar). The book deals with the disagreements on legal principles (Usul al-Fiqh) between the aforementioned scholars. Scholar Mohammad Al-Shebani credits Imam Dabusi as the first to systematically analyse the juristic disagreements between these prominent figures. The book is written in Arabic and appears to be primarily available in its original form. There is a listing for a print-on-demand version AbeBooks: abebooks.com but reviews or accessibility details are scarce.
