پاکستانی رومانی افسانہ اور اشفاق احمد کا تصور ِ محبت PAKISTANI ROMANTIC SHORT STORY AND ASHFAQ AHMAD’S CONCEPT OF LOVE Section Urdu Literature


*کرن اسلم, **محسن نواز بسراء, ***ڈاکٹرآمنہ رفیق


Romance and romanticism has a great impact on Urdu Literature. Romantic Urdu afsana has been written before the partition of sub-continent. Many Pakistani short story writers has started their career as “Afsana Nigar” before the Pakistan came into being. After the partition of Hindustan, people were so much depressed and scattered in both sides of boarder. At that time, in Pakistan, many writers created some characters showing love and affection to console the Pakistanis in their hardest time of life. Ashfaq Ahmad, a renowned fiction and non-fiction writer of Urdu literature, is one of them. He has a mystical nature in his concepts of love. Ashfaq Ahmed has multidimensional aspects in his personality as an author. He was a short story writer, columnist, playwright, a translator, poet and played a famous character of Talqeen Shah in Radio drama. His  short stories and dramas ‘collections  like “ Aik Muhabbat Safo Asany”  “ Subhaany Fsaney”  “ Ujley Phool” “Tota Kahani” and “ Tilissim Hosh Afza”  “ Aik Muhabbt So Dramay” “ Mann Chalay ka Sauda” etc.  Present his philosophy of love and affection very deeply.  His writings are a beautiful combination of love and Sufism and present different shapes of love. He knew well what the love is. He is a realistic writer. He presented love and affection in a very simple and pure way. This emotion makes a person a great human being, without the appropriation of religion. His philosophy of love and affection based on scarifies.
