مطالعہ ادیان میں قاضی محمد سلیمان سلمان منصورپوری ؒ کا منہج و اسلوب اور عصری رہنمائی QAZI MUHAMMAD SULAIMAN SALMAN MANSOORPURI'S METHODOLOGY AND CONTEMPORARY GUIDANCE IN STUDYING RELIGIONS Section Urdu Literature


*محمد شفیق خان, **ڈاکٹر عبدالغفار


The arguments made in this thesis prove that Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman had great expertise in Semitic and non-Semitic religions. This is the reason why he has introduced Christianity, Judaism, Parsi, Hindu, Buddhism, Sikh, Jain and Chinese religions and civilizations in a very reliable manner in his works and writings. There is a need in modern times to adopt this Methodology of Qazi Sahib and adopt a moderate attitude while working on the study of religions. Because in current era, the need and importance of this attitude becomes less and less. In Islam, there are very balanced teachings about talking with other religions and socializing with other civilizations. Now these teachings need to be expanded so that Islam's preaching right can be fulfilled. The message of Qazi Sulaiman Mansoor Puri's work on the study of religions is that we should promote understanding and dialogue and the tradition of studying religions. But in the meantime aggressive style has to be avoided and there is a need to review from a research and academic point of view. For this, it is very important to keep in mind modern laws and modern investigations.
