China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Regional Economic Dependency: Fostering Peace and Stability in the Region


Mehran Khan,Rozina Alam,Muhammad Yasir


This study examines the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) within the framework of economic interdependence and its effects on regional peace and stability. Drawing from liberal theories of international relations and complex interdependence, the research analyses the role of CPEC in reshaping geopolitical dynamics in South Asia. Through a comprehensive literature review and qualitative analysis, the study explores the potential benefits and challenges of CPEC, emphasizing its transformative impact on trade patterns, political alignments, and security considerations. Findings suggest that while CPEC offers opportunities for economic integration and conflict mitigation, ensuring transparency and inclusive development is crucial for long-term stability. The study contributes to understanding the evolving nature of regional relations. It underscores the importance of fostering cooperative frameworks to harness the potential of economic interdependence for sustainable peace and prosperity.



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