تنقید انشائیہ کی روایت TRADITION OF CRITICISM OF URDU INSHAIYA Section Urdu Literature


*عرفانہ بی بی , **ڈاکٹر عبدالستار ملک


Inshaiya (short essay) writing is a new genre in prose literature. In this genre many developments have been made to update essay writing. In the present era new essay writers are showing keen interest in this genre. For this purpose, many collections of Inshaiya had been published and most of the articles and research work regarding Inshaiya had been made. In this genre of literature critical analysis also played a very important role. Different magazine published critical essays written by critics about Inshaiya and the respective genre increased its importance. Many discussions have been made about the nature of Inshaiya. Many literary giants worked on its style and its nature to comprehend it perfectly. Therefore, on this genre of literature not only critical analysis had been written but also different magazines published paper work as a comprehensive source to understand it. All these aspects helped a lot to understand the nature, style and mood of this particular farm of literature.
