
*Muhammad Usman Hafeez


The Daily Zamindar was the first Urdu newspaper to give a modern touch to the display of news to publish editorial comments on national and international events and to introduce a regular humorous column. Since the Daily Zamindar reflected Muslim emotions and sentiments, it soon acquired unprecedented popularity among the masses. Daily Zamindar played a vital role during the Balkan and Tripoli Wars and the Khilafat Movement. He also waged a constant war against repressive Press laws. Daily Zamindar had to pay dearly for its activities in the shape of conviction; imprisonment and forfeiture of securities.There are many ways to examine the role of anti-imperialist discourse in India, like the left-wing politics, Khalifat Movement (1919-1924), Radical Press and Anti-Imperialist role of Muslim press in India. The enquiry chooses editorializing of the Daily Zamindar during the period 1903-1947 as vantage to examine the role of Daily Zamindar, newspaper played in the rise of anti-imperialist consciousness in Punjab. As it only not mirrored the anti-imperialist feelings but also created political awakening. The study seeks to gauge the rise of anti-imperialist ideas in Punjab through vantage of editorials of the Daily Zamindar.
