Investigating The Roles of Pakistani Private Secondary School Teachers and Principals as Environmental Sustainable Leaders


Iffrah Hayat, Dr Qurratulain Rehan


The present research aimed to explore the roles of Pakistani private secondary school teachers and principals as environmental sustainability leaders, using a mixed-methods approach that included survey questionnaire administered to 80 teachers and interviewed 10 principals. The data from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive analysis, and themes were identified using principal interview data. The main conclusions of this study indicated that it is impossible to overestimate the contribution of school administrators to the cause of environmental sustainability. Students' attitudes and behaviours might be influenced by principals who prioritize sustainability and employ sustainable practices. Effective leadership, suitable curriculum development, and specialized, qualified staff are necessary to teach environmental values in kids. The development of pupils' views and the instillation of proper values, knowledge, and abilities are significantly influenced by school leaders. By providing insights into the roles of Pakistani private secondary school teachers and principals as environmental sustainability leaders, this study has the potential to inform future efforts to promote environmental education and sustainability in schools not just in Pakistan, but around the world.



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