عصر حاضر میں ابن خلدون کی معاشی فکر سے استفادہ کے امکانات Possibilities Of Using Ibn Khaldun's Economic Thought In Contemporary Times Section Islamic Studies


Dr Aman Ullah Rathore


The creator of the universe created the wide and wide universe spread before our grove with his great wisdom and filled its winds, airs, seas and lands with resources of life. Kuziba is He who gave existence to innumerable creatures and arranged their sustenance. He created man and created a good calendar, breathed his soul into him and blessed him and made him his caliph on earth. And if you are doing two or four things successfully, He has subjugated everything on earth and heaven for Him and has invested it in His grace.Today's problems are largely a product of the economic system that has emerged in the Western world over the past several hundred years, which has undergone major changes from time to time. This special form of getting rid of economic problems is called classical economics. It has been the most prominent trend in Western economic thought and continued until the fourth decade of the 20th century, or even half of the 20th century.
