عنایت اللہ مشرقی اور ڈارون کا نظریہ ارتقاء Inayat Ullah al-Mashriqi and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Section Islamic Studies


Yasmin Subhan,Dr. Samina Saadia


There are two major influential and prominent theories about the origin of life in this universe: One is theistic theory of “Divine Creation” or “Intelligent Design” which emphasizes that there is a “Supernatural Power” or an “Intelligent Designer” Who has created this universe along with all its living creatures including human beings.

The other theory is based on atheistic approach of Darwinism. It asserts that all living beings have a common, individual ancestor. Life was emerged in simple organism in the sea by the process of evolution and it evolved and diversified into different species which finally culminated in man various epochal times.

During this era, only those species survived who adapted to their environment.

Inayatullah Mashriqi has advocated this theory of Darwin and claimed it as “the climax of human knowledge”. In his re-markable book “Tazkira”, he insists that by following the Darwin’s concept of “Survival for the Fittest”, Man can not only touch the apex of humanity but also share “Godly Features and Traits”.

This theory basically denies God as the Creator and Originator of the universe and its creation. It also opens the new ways of false interpretations and suppositions in Quran which influence the young minds of new generation in a wrong direction. That’s why I feel a need to analyze these aspects of Allama Mashraqi’s concept to eradicate these delusions and fallacies.

