Internal and External Pressures on Pakistan Foreign Policy with Special Reference to Iran-Saudi Relations


Ahmad Raza,Sadia Noreen


The relationship among Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan is reciprocal, dynamic, and ever-changing. The rivalry between Pakistan's neighbors is a serious issue for social cohesion, economic stability, and foreign policy. The diplomatic rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is the main focus of this essay, which covers internal and external pressures on Pakistan's foreign policy and has always been important in regional and international foreign policy affairs due to its history, geography, and topography. Economic considerations, security concerns of the region, and domestic political stability are the main factors impacting Pakistan's policy choices. Pakistan, as a player in the Saudi-Iranian tussle, has to carefully manage its ties with both countries and the other regional players. Given that Saudi Arabia and Iran have had ongoing disputes usually settled in other geopolitical areas, it is not easy to attain balance. Policymakers and experts would be able to comprehend South Asian and Middle Eastern issues better through this study. It would, therefore, also be an essential step in fostering regional stability.
