China's Conflict Management Approach Towards Africa: Evidence from Darfur


Dr. Assad Mehmood Khan


China has become a significant player in Africa, with extensive economic and political interests. As such, its approach to managing conflicts in Africa has significant regional stability and global security implications. This paper examines how China's investments in Africa contribute to issues by analyzing the transfer of Chinese-made weaponry to Sudan to secure crude to protect its domestic interests. Some academics in international relations view the development of Sino-African relations as an indicator of the foundation upon which China's larger strategic goals are constructed. In addition to economic benefits, China has governmental, security, and sociopolitical interests in Africa. This rapidly developing relationship offers China and Africa both opportunities and challenges. Primarily, China's trade, investment, and infrastructure development assistance are reshaping African markets. However, the expansion of China poses a challenge to the international balance of power. Specifically, the United States views Africa as famous for its investments, expertise, calm, and hospitality. Moreover, contentious issues are straining these relationships. Africa was a victim of Western colonialism and "strings attached" methods. The "Strings-attached" methodology is employed by "quasi-state" actors. Most African leaders frequently criticize it for interfering with the internal affairs of a few African states and making the continent dependent on foreign-aid support.
