قیام امن اور تنازعات کے حل میں نبیِ کریمؐ کی سیاسی فہم و فراست کا اختصاصی مطالعہ : میثاقِ مدینہ اور صلح حدیبیہ کے تناظر میں Holy prophetʼs (PBUH) Political Wisdom for peace Settlement and Resolving Issues: A Special Study of Madina Charter and Hudaybiyyah Treaty Section Islamic Studies


ڈاکٹر زاہرہ نثار


After migration to madina Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) laid foundation of Madina State. Madina was the First Islamic State where the first charter/ constitution )622 A.D/ 1st AH) was experienced by its Muslims and Non- Muslim citizens. This charter of Madina clearly deal with the internal and external challenges to the Islamic state. On the other Hand treaty of Hudaybiyyah (628AD/ 6 AH) was also a big challenge for Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) for resolving issues and peace settlement. Quraish tribe and Muslims agreed for ten years to affirm peace between two cities Makkah and Madina. This treaty helped to decrease tension and in the following years peaceful pilgrimage. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) was the negotiator for this treaty. In his absence pledge of the tree (bay ‘at al Rizwan) was took place. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was the document writer. This treaty proved Prophetʼs political Wisdom to place Him equal to Quraish. Prophet Muhammad also able to win over formally allied tribes with Quraish. Thus with the technique of better relations with enemies Prophet (PBUH) attracted Quraish towards Islam. This article is an attempt to show prophetic wisdom and resolving issues in said two matters.
