وجودیت (Existentialism) Section Urdu Literature


عصمت اللہ.فریحہ تبسم,ڈاکٹر رابعہ سرفراز


Existentialism is a dominant philosophic movement of 20th century which influenced western literature extensively. It explored existence of individual as free human being determining his own fate. Existentialism portrayed alienation, absurdity and meaninglessness of modern man in modern era. After the two world wars, salivary, colonialism, detoriation of civilization and values, mankind was suffering with the dilemma of identity. Constraints and coercion of social and religious norms menaced main’s freedom. Soren Kierkegaard was the father of this philosophy. Sartre, Albert, Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Kafka and Fyodor Dostoevsky advocated this philosophy in their writings. Action, freedom and decision are the three core beliefs of this movement. Colin Wilson ended this movement by blending it with romanticism. Urdu literature was also influenced by his movement.
