Analysis of Common Syntactical Errors by Pakistani Students Due to L1 Influence


Nosheen Khaliq,Khizar Abbas,Dr. Muhammad


Learners often find it challenging to write in a foreign language. Even after completing their education, Pakistani English language learners continue to face challenges in writing due to inadequate grammar skills and interruptions caused by their first language (L1). The current study provides the contextual background of syntactical errors in their writings due to the influence of mother tongue (MT) on L2 learners’ writings. The primary goal of this study is to identify the common syntactical errors in undergraduate students' essay writing. This study aims to identify major errors and assess learners' feedback during the learning process. The study design that is used for data collection and analysis is mixed methods. Data was collected from a sample of thirty undergraduate students at Government Post-Graduate College Municipal, Faisalabad, who were enrolled in the BS Program in Information Technology. Selinker's (1972) theory of interlanguage and Corder's (1967) theory of error analysis are used to examine the data. A total of 227 errors have been extracted and divided into 11 grammatical categories during data analysis. The errors in spelling (14.95%), verb agreement (14.55 %), and punctuation (14.1%) were more frequent as compared to other errors in the students' writing. The study's findings illustrated errors that may have occurred due to distractions, an insufficient knowledge of the English language, and influence from one's native tongue.
