ممتاز شیریں کی تنقید میں عصری شعور Contemporary Consciousnesses in the Criticism of Mumtaz Shereen Section Urdu Literature


*Dr. Muhammad Amjad Abid,**Dr. Abdul Raheem.***Atif Manzoor


Mumtaz Shereen is included in the list of prominent fiction writers and critics of Urdu literature. His criticism enters the realm of creation without forgetting its responsibilities, which also gives critical insight and a sense of literature. In every critic and writer there is a reflection of real awareness and contemporary consciousness. She is a part of the society and is enduring problems and difficulties like a common man. It cannot be that a creator is alienated from the contemporary consciousness. A study of Mumtaz Shereen criticism reveals that she possesses characteristics such as extensive reading, expressive depth, moderation, and impartiality. In this paper, the writer has tried to find the echo of contemporary consciousness in the critical writings of Mumtaz Shirin and has concluded that his criticism is embellished with consciousness.
