فرانز کافکا اور انتظار حسین کی ماورائے حقیقت نگاری Franz Kafka & Intzar Hussain's Surrealism Section Urdu Literature


روبینہ شاہین,ڈاکٹر شگفتہ فردوس


Surrealism was a well-known movement in modern art and literature that literally means "Beyond the Realism". In terminology, it refers to an art or literature that is far from reality. This movement was first introduced in Europe by the famous French writer, Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) in 1917 and Andre Breton started it by publishing its Manifesto (Le Manifesta du Surrealism) in 1924. In surrealism, the world of dreams and imagination is presented as reality. In Surrealism, above the ethical and aesthetic aspects, in an illogical manner, under the unconscious, dreams, illusions, inner chaos and anxiety, inner confusions and various conditions are revealed in the state of dreaminess and semi-awakening. The supporting elements of this trend are monologue, ambiguity and dreaminess. In Franz Kafka's stories the use of surrealism is found prominently, e g "The Hunter Gracchus", "The Metamorphosis", "The Judgment", "A Country Doctor", "The Trial", "The Castle", "The Ammerika" etc.,. The stories seem to be ambiguous, absurd, mysterious, supernatural, uncertain and dreamy, but when reader reaches at the end, the dreams become reality. At some points in the works of Intzar Hussain, there are broken sentences, dreamy moods, disgust, huffiness, annoyance, startling apparitions, psychological revelations, unexpected symptoms, subconscious flow, creative freedom, philosophical nuances and the fusion of dream and reality create a surreal atmosphere. "Kaya Kalap", "Tangeen", "Perchaeen", "Soot k Taar", "Aakhri Aadmi", "Zard Kutta", "Haddyun ka Dhanch" etc. are important stories of this series. Franz Kafka has a sequence and continuity in events. While in Intzar Hussain's stories, there is an unruly kind of disarray at some places. It appears as if he is trying to create ambiguity consciously.
