واقعہ صلح حدیبیہ اور عصر حاضر میں اس کی معنویت


Hafiz Ateeq Ur Rehman , Khadija Noor


Treaty of Hudaibiyah is a significant event happened back in Islamic History. It was an agreement signed in 6th Hijri year between Muslims of Madinah and Non-Believers of Makkah. This proved to be a golden treaty for Muslims as it became the base for a big victory ahead i.e. the Conquest of Makkah. It had many other consequences and not just at that time, Muslims of Modern age can also derive motivation and lesson to live a peaceful life from this treaty. Every person must deal some unhealthy encounters in his life and Muslim societies also must tackle enemies in every era. So, in this regard this contract helps Muslims to sort out never ending enmities and spread Islam in a tactful way. This paper sheds light on different aspects of this agreement explaining benefits, lessons and significance especially related to contemporary era. And this research concludes that the importance and positive impact of al-Hudaibiyah treaty is undeniable and is equally applies in this era too. Muslims should respect their agreements, keep focusing on their goals, fulfil their duties and always obey Allah and his Messenger open -heartedly. Nothing can harm Muslims if they completely trust in Allah, rather they would be conquerors of this World with complete submission to His Lord.
