تجزیاتی مطالعہ نثر بے نظیر از میر بہادر علی حسینی مرتب: تنویر غلام حسین Analytical Study of Prose Benazir by Mir Bahadur Ali Hussaini Compiler: Tanveer Ghulam Hussain Section Urdu Literature


عفیفہ ارشاد,ڈاکٹر عائشہ مقصود,شیریں رزاق


This article is a comparative analysis of “ Nasr-e-Banezir” by Meer Bahudar Ali Husani, edited by Ms. Tanveer Ghulam Hussain. This article throws light on the life and literary work of Meer Bahudar Ali Husani. “ Nasr-e-Banezir” have great importance due to its story and language Ms. Tanveer Ghulam Hussain used two transcripts to determine “Assasi Nuskha” .The difference in two manuscripts is written in References.
