امام ابن خزیمہ اور ان کی "الصحیح " کا تعارف و منہج کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ INTRODUCTION AND ANALYTICAL STUDY OF MINHAJ AND IMAM IBN KHUZIMAH AND HIS "AL-SAHIH". Section Islamic Studies
Allah Ta'ala has chosen His special servants, who are called Muhadditheen, to protect the Faithful Religion. Imam Ibn Khuzima had a strong memory. He memorized the Holy Qur'an at an early age and soon acquired the knowledge of Hadith. After that, he joined the famous Muhadditheen of his time. When he was asked about the secret of his intelligence and strong memory, he said: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Zamzam water is drunk with the intention of achieving the goal, then that goal is achieved, so I When I drank the water of Zamzam, I asked Allah for knowledge. Which was accomplished.
Imam Ibn Khuzimah (may Allah have mercy on him) authored many books. However, two of them, "Sahih Ibn Khuzimah" and "Kitab al-Tawheed" have been published.In the editing of "Sunan al-Tahadith" by Imam Ibn Khudaimah, the arrangement of books of jurisprudence has been kept in mind, that is, in the classification of the book, the problems of purity are first, then of worship and then of affairs.In this book, the Imam (may God bless him and grant him peace) has painstakingly collected the hadiths, mentioned their isnads in great detail.

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