عشق اور جمالیات


*ڈاکٹر عظمیٰ حسن


The sense of beauty, beauty, and beauty lies in the essence of man. Human beings are fundamentally familiar with beauty and their unconscious and conscious senses are surrounded by beauty. Manifestations of beauty and related themes have always been important in the evolutionary journey of human beings. This is the reason why Jamal and its related matters play a special role in the fabric of thoughts and society in every region. Although its standards and forms of expression are different, but the place of aesthetics belongs to the soul, which gives color to the system of life. Aesthetics is the knowledge that analyzes the inner pleasure derived from the consciousness of beauty obtained through the five senses. What is beauty is a question that intellectuals have been searching for an answer to. Beauty is not the name of proportion or balance. Because beauty is not found only in material things, beauty means the sublimity of the subtle over the mundane and the superior over the inferior. When imagination prevails over matter, and spirit over body, and good over evil, consider it beauty. In the said article, there is a detailed discussion on the relationship between love and aesthetics.
