اسلام اور یہودیت میں بنیادی انسانی حقوق کا تصور: تقابلی مطالعہ The Concept of Fundamental Human Rights in Islam and Judaism; Comparative Study Section Islamic Studies


٭Shehla Shams ,٭٭ Fayyaz Ahmad ,٭٭٭ Dr. Shams Ul Hussain Zaheer


After the earth and the skies were created, human was given physically shape. The angles were ordered to bow down to Adam (Peace be upon him). This ordered was a sign of greatness of man as he was to comply with what is ordered him by Allah Almighty. When Adam (PBUH) was blessed with his sons and one of them killed another one. Allah Almighty the Legislative Authority revealed some laws for the peaceful environment of this planet. With the passage of time some other messengers were sent to various nations. Some of them obeyed their messengers sent towards them and some of them denied, till Moses (PBUH) was sent to Firon and his people. As he (Firon) made the nation of Moses (PBUH) slaves, and treated them with cruelty and un-justice. Allah Almighty revealed some law to be followed by the followers of Moses (PBUH). Some of these laws/rights were tempered by the follower after his death and now the Bible is not is his real shape as revealed. The situation was going on till Muhammad (PBUH) was sent the whole of mankind and all of them were made bound to accept his message. The Holy Quran made Muslims brothers to each other and Sunnah made them forbidden each other lives, wealth, honor and blood. Allah Almighty has emphasized good behavior towards those non-Muslim, who are not involved in cruelty to Muslim in its any shape as well. And bound Muslim to stand up to witness justice for Allah, and let not the enmity of the people persuade them to forsake justice. The under mentioned paragraphs se relate to the basic/fundamental human rights in both Islam and Judaism. And it discusses the same in a scholarly way. It acquires the comparative method of research. Hopefully, it will contribute to the new areas of the research in comparative study of both the religions. And will make the readers know something new in a research way.
