بشارات النبی کے معاشرتی زندگی پر اثرات:سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں Impacts of Basharat al-Nabi on Societal Life: In the light of Prophetic Seerah Section Islamic Studies


Usman Abbas,Ali Rizwan shahzad,Kainat Kanwal,Hafiz M Dawood Al Manshavi


Islam is the guarantee of our success. It contains orders to scare people and give good news from the beginning to the ending. The Prophetﷺ  took full care of these orders and attitudes while preaching. That is why some people were blessed with special good news from the Prophet ﷺ like Ashra Mubashra. There are aspects of thinking, knowledge and action for us in these good news. These have an impact on our societal lives. In this article, these important aspects of the life of these personalities have been described to become the source of our success. From this article we will know many actions that should be followed like we should love Shariah rules, we should try to do our own work, Shariah punishments should be enforced, No good deed should be despised, Efforts should be made for the rise of Shariah, we should live according to the teachings of the Prophet, we should not worry about poverty, neighbors and daughters should be treated well and the Prophet should be helped at all times in the propagation of Shariah.
