پاکستان میں عورت مارچ کا ارتقاء:مذہبی جماعتوں کے کردار کااسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ The Evolution of the Women's March in Pakistan: An Exploratory Review of the Role of Religious Parties in the Light of Islamic Shariah Section Islamic Studies


٭Ameer Hamza Qadri,٭٭Iqra Fatima,٭٭Dr. Allah Ditta


This article intends to discuss the women march in Pakistan and its reaction from religious parties of Pakistan. A woman is the most beautiful being in the universe. Allah Almighty has given man a beautiful gift in the form of a woman. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has also said that among the things of your world, women and perfume have been made dear to me.  The rights that Islam has given to women have not been given by any religion or society in the world.  Since the beginning of Islam, women have been occupying important and key positions in Islam and have been performing services in various fields, but the teachings of Islam indicate that a woman's jewel is modesty and bashfulness. Therefore, a woman has to fulfill these responsibilities with a veil.  History shows that the veil has never stood in the way of progress. But some people started propagandizing negatively about the veil that Islam does not give rights to women, rather Islam takes away the freedom of women. While Western society provides freedom to women. In the 20th century, the women's march began to restore women's rights. Many other factors and elements were also working behind it. This movement reached Pakistan from the West and due to Western colonialism; it also got a lot of support from some liberal people. But as a whole this movement could not be popular with the public. Because the interaction of the Pakistani society is not ready to accept it. Yet this movement continues to be adorned by the media. This article examines the women march movement and shows the reactions of religious parties to it.
