أثر عوارف المعارف علی مكتوبات المجددیۃ فی شبہ القارۃ The Impact of ‘Awarif-Al-MA ‘Arif’ on Maktoobat of Mujaddadia Section Islamic Studies


Dr. Muhammad Zia Ullah,Mufti Muhammad Qaisar Shahzad,Shah Nawaz


The study delves into the profound impact of the book "Awārif al-Ma'ārif" on Arab scholars and philosophers, especially within the realm of Sufism, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping Islamic thought. Arab scholars engaged deeply with "Awārif al-Ma'ārif," producing extensive commentaries that underscored its significance across various intellectual currents and historical periods.

Moreover, in the Indian subcontinent, Sufi scholars embraced "Awārif al-Ma'ārif" as a cornerstone of their spiritual teachings and practices, integrating its teachings into the fabric of their Sufi orders. Figures like Khwaja Mujaddad alaf sani referenced and expanded upon its themes, emphasizing its enduring influence on their spiritual philosophies and practical applications.

The writings of Khwaja Muḥammad Ma‘ṣūm clearly reflect the deep impact of "Awārif al-Ma'ārif" on his intellectual development and spiritual outlook. His works often cite and elaborate upon the teachings of the book, highlighting its role as a primary source of inspiration and guidance. Overall, this study underscores how spiritual texts like "Awārif al-Ma'ārif" continue to shape the theological and philosophical landscapes of scholars and thinkers across centuries, providing profound insights into the human connection with the divine and the complexities of spiritual faith.
