اسلام اور یہودیت میں مذکور آخری مسیحا کے مشترکات Commonalities of the last Messiah in Islam and Judaism Section Islamic Studies


Ali Rizwan shahzad,Dr Hafiz Zahid Latif


Islam and Judaism trace back to a common ancestor Hazrat Abrahim (A.S) and that’s why both called Abrahamic religion. The Muslim believe all the Prophets of Almighty Allah including the Prophets of Judaism such as Harat Ishaq (A.S) and Moses Hazrat Mosa (A.S). This paper investigate the concept of messianic figure, who will bring redemption and justice, is a shared theme in Islam and Judaism. This article explores the striking similarities between the Islamic eschatology and the Messiah in Jewish tradition. Through a comparative analysis of religious texts and scholarly interpretations, this study reveals the commonalities between these two figures, including their roles in ushering in an era of peace, their connection to divine guidance, and their ultimate triumph over evil. The article also examines the historical and theological contexts that have shaped these messianic beliefs, highlighting the cultural and religious exchange between Muslim and Jewish communities. By shedding light on these parallels, this research aims to foster greater understanding and dialogue between two significant religious traditions, promoting a deeper appreciation for their shared spiritual heritage.
