ترکی میں اردو تدریس کے ادارے: تعارف و تاریخ Urdu Teaching Institutions in Turkey: Introduction and History Section Urdu Literature


ڈاکٹر تنویر غلام حسین


Turks are among the great civilized nations of the world. The relations between Pakistan and Turkey are not a product of modern times, but their roots go back to the fifteenth century AD, when the Sufis of Turkic descent traveled to the Indian subcontinent for the purpose of propagating Islam. In the same way, when the Indian Muslims started arriving in Istanbul in the fifteenth century, these people took Urdu along with them. In the twentieth century, three Urdu newspapers in Istanbul, Pak Islam, Al-Dustur, and "Jehan-e-Islam" come before us. Finally, in 1947, when Pakistan came into existence as an independent country, these relations started to stabilize again and the Urdu language once again reached Turkey. First, an Urdu chair was established in Ankara University for the promotion of Pak-Turkey diplomatic relations. Later, the department of Urdu was also established in Istanbul University (Istanbul) and Seljuk University (Konya). This article presents the introduction and history of these institutions.
