قرۃ العین حیدر کے ناولوں میں اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت کے مظاہر(بحوالہ آگ کا دریا اور کار جہاں دراز ہے)
Qurratulain Haider was a scholar and significant personality of Urdu literature and translation. She was a great Novelist of subcontinent and the critics admire her versatility she presented in her Novels. Culture and civilization represent different aspects of the life of a society and Haider’s novels depict all the aspects of subcontinent Hindu Muslim civilization which is panorama of different cultures and civilization. In this Scenario, Muslim civilization has its distinct recognition. Aag ka Dariya, his Magnus opus, is a land mark novel that describes many crucial epochs of history. Kaar-e-Jahan Daraz hei” is also a great biographical Novel. The research paper mainly aims to explore the expression of Islamic civilization and culture present in her Novels especially in Aag ka Dariya and Kaar-e-Jahan Daraz hey.

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