الہامی کتابوں کی تقدیس اور توہین کے احکامات: اسلامی تعلیمات اور فتاویٰ کی روشنی میں Sanctity and Blasphemy Rulings of Divine Books: In the Light of Islamic Teachings and Fatwas Section Islamic Studies


Riaz Ahmed,Rehana Mureed Ali


This study investigates the reverence requirements and blasphemy rulings concerning other divine books, such as the Torah and the Bible, in the light of Islamic teachings. Drawing from the Quran, Sunnah, classical Islamic texts, fatwas, and the sayings of the Salaf (the pious predecessors), this research highlights the importance of respecting all revealed scriptures, as they are considered divine revelations in Islam. The study explores various Islamic perspectives on the sanctity and treatment of these books, examining how Muslims are instructed to show respect towards them. Furthermore, the research delves into the consequences of blasphemy against these divine texts, as outlined in the Quran and Hadith, and how the four major Islamic schools of thought—Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali—address these issues. By analyzing classical and contemporary fatwas, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the rulings related to the desecration of other divine books. The findings underscore the significance of interfaith respect and the Islamic imperative to honor all sacred scriptures.
