فضل علی فضلی کی”کربل کتھا “کا تحقیقی اور تجزیاتی مطالعہ (Research and Critical Study of Fazal Ali Fazli’s “Karbal Katha” Section Urdu Literature
“Karbal Katha” by Fazal Ali Fazli is a master piece in Urdu Litrature. It is an Urdu translation of “Roza-ul-Shuhda”, a book written by Kamal-ul-Din Hussain Bin Ali Waeez Kashfi. He wrote it on the request of the prince of Harat Murshad Aldola in 908 hijrah، gained tremendous popularity in the public. Keeping in view this popularity, it was translated repeatedly which failed to gain appreciation from the public because of not being in simple language. Fazal Ali Fazli Translated it with the title “ Karbal Katha.in 1145 hijrah. Since it was in a simple language, it became immensely popular in the public. Its historic and linguistic importance could not be denied. It is the first impression of Dehli language. It is important in the sense that no other writing in prose from the earliest time is available today. This master piece printed by Idara Tehkikat Urdu Patna has been compiled by Malik Raam and Mukhtar-u-Din Ahmad painstakingly.
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