Challenges to Youth Development in Balochistan and Way Forward


Dr. Siraj Bashir,Hafsa Karim,Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Ali Baloch


Balochistan's young population faces significant challenges that restrict their development and hinder the province's progress. Limited economic opportunities plague the region, with high unemployment rates and a lack of industries forcing many young people to rely on scarce government jobs. Furthermore, the education system struggles to equip youth with the skills required for the job market, creating a frustrating mismatch between education and employment prospects. Socially, the prevalence of the Sardari system and gender bias create an uneven playing field, while limited opportunities for youth activism and expression restrict their ability to advocate for change. The ongoing security situation fosters insecurity and discourages investment, further dampening economic growth and job creation. Finally, inadequate budgetary allocation for youth development programs hinders initiatives that could empower youth. This study employs a mixed-methods research design, integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges to youth development in Balochistan. The combination of these methods allows for a robust understanding of the multifaceted issues faced by the youth in this province. The paper concludes that these challenges pose a significant threat to Balochistan's future but also present an opportunity. By investing in targeted education and skills development programs, promoting entrepreneurship, and creating a secure environment, Balochistan can empower its young population. We recommend further research to explore specific skill gaps in the Balochistan economy and analyze successful youth development initiatives in other regions for potential adaptation. By addressing these interconnected challenges and harnessing the potential of its young people, Balochistan can pave the way for a more prosperous and secure future.
