قصاص کا مقدمہ قسامت اور حدّ حرابہ: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ


انجینئرالیاس صالح,معاذ مسعود,محمد یونس


In the holy Qur’an  the word Qiṣāṣ  has  been  devised  for  the  establishment  of  peace in human society and for the prevention of crime and says that:

ولکم فی القصاص حیوٰ ۃ یا اولو الباب لعلکم تتقون(البقرۃ:۱۷۹)

This holy book further refers to it as life for the humanity. In all Divine religions, the law of retribution was legislated to protect the sanctity and survival of human life, to end crimes and oppression, prevention of chaos and anarchy, and to maintain collective order and peace in the society. In this regard, an analytical and comparative study of the concept of retribution in Islam, the types of retribution, the retribution of injuries and damaged limbs, the principles of testimony, the procedure for issuing and implementing punishment and authority of implementation of punishments have been analyzed in this study.

Efforts have been made to   discusses the Islamic law  of Qiṣāṣ and  its  rules from the  perspectives  of  Islamic  teachings  and  Western  approach.
