مادّی اسباب،توکّل کی حقیقت اور منہاج نبویﷺ: ایک علمی مطالعہ


محمد حماد سعید,ڈاکٹر حافظ عبد القہار,روح الامین


Tawakkal is not about giving up and abandoning action, but it is the name of doing the work with full determination and diligence, leaving the effect and result on the trust of Allah and understanding that Allah is a helper, so do not fail us. Can't do it, if he doesn't want it, no one's efforts and help can be useful. This world is actually a world of causes and effects. Every action and action must have some cause behind every event. On the other hand, denying causes and causes is not wise at all, but it is also human's fault. It is ignorance that he understands only the material causes, the Creator forgets the causes and the causer of the causes, rather he denies them, while it is a fact that both the causes and their results are bound by the will of Allah and He Nothing can happen if he doesn't want to، The success of the causes is also according to divine destiny, so we must adopt the causes so that we do not believe that the destiny is changed by these causes, because Allah Almighty does not change His decision،Trust is "obedience of the heart" and taking means is "obedience of the soul", so the person who has suspended the means is not valid.
