A Systematic Study of Societal Values in the Light of the Holy Quran


Tooba Khalid,Naveed Ur Rehman,Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan


Social values and manners are very important for any society and nation. Values
can be both good and bad, but in the Holy Qur'an, Allah has given great
importance to human social values and manners, and has given man a complete
system of social values and manners, which is not only for Muslim societies, but
also for the whole world. It has the importance of a guide for human societies.
Materialism is a matter due to which human societies have moved away from
their values. If any civilization in the world creates values and manners keeping
in mind the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, it can surely prosper, because the Holy
Qur'an is the only one. It is a book which gives teachings to humanity as a whole.
And the path is the means of deliverance. We pray to Allah Almighty to accept
this effort.


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