صفات متشابہات كى مختلف تعبيرات:كاندهلوى اور شفيع عثمانى کے مابين تقابلى جائزه
The verses of the Holy Quran, in respect of their understanding and determination of meanings, are divided into two categories: 1. Mahakam (clear) 2. Mustahab (Allegorical), people who have crookedness in their hearts follow behind similar verses. Studying the opinions of commentators such as Yadullah, Waja Allah Sac, etc., revealed that no one knows the meaning of similar verses except Allah and the Messenger. True scholars always follow the clear verses, while the seditionists invite people to go astray by telling the apparent meaning of the similar verses. I have adopted analytical method in this article by analyzing the interpretations of the mentioned scholar. This article may open the door of research on the other aspects of his scholarly services. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are written.
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